Experience & Qualifications…

Tattoo schedule management

  • Current manager of Black Swan Tattoo Company and virtual assistant to multiple tattoo artists.

  • Previous tattoo shop counter experience at 4 other high volume busy establishments.

  • Very comfortable handling multiple artist inquiries.

  • Knowledgeable about tattoo industry and learning each artist’s booking preferences quickly.

  • Proficient using multiple types of booking software including Square, Google Calendar, Acuity, SalonBiz, Jane and Google Voice.

  • Highly organized with clear communication skills.

  • Open to utilizing other booking systems, can grasp new schedule options with minimal transition time.

Customer service background

  • Have been working in customer service fields for over 20 years.

  • Roughly 10 years in hairstylist industry working directly with clients and booking services.

  • Previous experience as virtual receptionist for multiple acupuncture locations simultaneously.

  • Professional, friendly and sincere customer connection work style